I Love Fallin' Straight Into Your Arms Lover's Greeting Card For Autumn Lovers
"I Love Fallin" greeting card is for lovers during the Fall season, or should you choose, any season to give to a loved one that you love being in the arms of.
"Straight into your arms" is basically stating that like falling leaves, you love floating into the arms of your lover like the outstretched arms of the scarecrow and that person will certainly catch you.
The background paper is in the colors of fall leaves floating throughout the pattern. The paper is attached to the card with eyelets. Attached to the front is a sticker of an Autumn wreath with a brown cord pulled through it and tied inside the card. "I (heart) fall-in'" is in the middle of the wreath. You can pull the wreath can up and down.
Inside the a card is the same background paper, "Straight Into Your Arms", a scarecrow with open arms and a space to write a message to your lover on the left side of the card under the tied cord.
The card and envelope are laminated for durability. The envelope has the same background paper, space for a name, and a sunflower on the flap to match the one on the scarecrow's hat.